المميز سليم شريف في بودكاست المميزون

المحامي عباس عباس، المبادر الاجتماعي ومدير عام جمعية المنارة، يستضيف المميز سليم شريف، ضمن بودكاست "المميزون". سليم من ذوي الهمم وهو من أصحاب التحديات البصرية.

اعدادات النصوص والألوان

How to Win Friends and Influence People

How to Win Friends and Influence People
بريميوم book
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بريميوم book

How to Win Friends and Influence People

المؤلف : ديل كارنيجي
اللغة : انجليزية
التقييم : 1.93
الوقت : 07:18:21
القارئ : أندرو ماكميلان
فئة الكتاب : تنمية ذاتية , تنمية بشرية
نبذة عن الكتاب :

This new edition of the most influential self-help book of the last century has been updated under the care of Dale’s daughter, Donna, introducing changes that keep the book fresh for today’s readers, with priceless material restored from the original 1936 text. One of the best-known motivational guides in history, Dale Carnegie’s groundbreaking publication has sold tens of millions of copies, been translated into almost every known written language, and has helped countless people succeed. How to Win Friends and Influence People is a historic bestseller for one simple reason: Its crucial life lessons, conveyed through engaging storytelling, have shown readers how to become who they wish to be. With the newly updated version of this classic, that’s as true now as ever.


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