الطفل المميز حاتم دغش في بودكاست المميزون من الاطف

المحامي عباس عباس، المبادر الاجتماعي ومدير عام جمعية المنارة، يستضيف الطفل المميز حاتم دغش، ضمن بودكاست "المميزون من الاطفال أصحاب التحديات". حاتم من ذوي الهمم وهو من أصحاب التحديات البصرية.

اعدادات النصوص والألوان

Secrets Of The Universe

Secrets Of The Universe
بريميوم book
Night Owl
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صوتي book
بريميوم book

Secrets Of The Universe

المؤلف : واين داير
اللغة : انجليزية
التقييم : 1.93
الوقت : 01:00:59
فئة الكتاب : الدين والفلسفة , الدين والروحانيات
نبذة عن الكتاب :

Dr. Wayne Dyer maintains that thought is the highest form of energy in the universe, and in Secrets of the Universe he shows you how to use that energy to bring about a life that is truly magnificent. As you follow the path he describes in this program, wonderful circumstances and miraculous events naturally become a way of life. You begin to understand that there are no accidents in the universe. You learn to look beyond what everyone else sees. You'll witness impressive changes in your life - changes brought about by tapping into the Secrets of the Universe as revealed in this program to you through an imaginary encounter between an Earthling and a citizen of the planet Uranus. In his humorous, warm, and enlightening way, Dr. Dyer teaches you that you begin by accepting responsibility for who you are and what you are today. With this powerful realization as the foundation, you then begin to focus on getting into and maintaining harmony with the universe. ...إقرأ المزيد تراجع


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